Updates to web version.

I recently switched to using vector graphics in Clash of Empires to represent territories and troop counts. There were performance issues because I was previously using raster graphics, which required redrawing the game area too frequently. Also, there was confusion in the previous version over who owned a territory, and using vector graphics made it easy to change the territory color to represent a change in ownership.



Updated Map

Below is an updated map. There were issues in the previous version with Germany being too weak, so they have been removed from the game and replaced with the Turks. Also, the number of territories has been reduced in order to allow more rounds to be played while making sure that the game doesn’t take over 1 hour to play.








Updates to rules


During each turn, a player can perform one of the following actions.

  • Move:  A player can move troops from one territory to one bordering territory.
  • Bombard: A player can remove 1 enemy troop from a bordering territory.

After 10 turns, each player will earn points and money and a new round will start. After 3 rounds, the player with the most points wins.

Other Rule Changes

  • To prevent players from placing too many troops in a territory, each territory will be able to only have a maximum of 7 troops.

Recent playtest notes

Yesterday, I playtested Clash of Empires with the updated map. Initially, we played a one turn game with 4 players. During the game, there was a problem due to the fact that players spent a large portion of time waiting for other players to take their turn.

In order to reduce downtime between turns, I decided to see what would happen if each turn was split into “micro turns”. With the new rules, each player made one troop movement during their turn. After 10 turns, each player would receive victory points and money and the game would end after 30 turns. Afterwards, I tested out the rules in a 3 player game and they worked well because the low amount of downtime between turns kept the other players more engaged. As a result of this playtest, I plan to continue playtesting with “micro turns” rules and work on balance issues.

Recent changes

The map has also been modified to improve Germany’s position to compensate for the disadvantage of being in the middle of the map. Also, several changes have been made to make sure that Russia does not have an unfair advantage.

England no longer starts with Belgium, Holland, or the North Sea. Instead, they control Norway and the Black Sea. This makes it easier for the British to attack Russia and makes it harder for the British to attack Germany.

Also, players will now have the ability to build forts. Forts have the same cost as armies, and give extra defense to a territory, but they cannot move. Germany starts off with three forts that make it harder for opponents to attack them.


HTML5 Game

I decided to work on a computer version of Clash of Empires in HTML5, which will allow people to play the game in a web browser without having to download a plugin.

I was originally developing the game in Java and Scala. I was at the point where I had a playable prototype, but I was running into difficulties because of extra work necessary have the application run as an applet or on an Android phone. I wanted to show it to other people for feedback, but many computers did not have Java applets enabled. By having the game in HTML5, it will be easier for people to play Clash of Empires because they will not have to worry about installing a plugin or making sure that it is active. Also, it might be necessary for me to develop on a computer that isn’t my laptop, and setting up an environment to develop HTML5 games is significantly easier than setting up an environment to develop in Java. For example, my laptop had an issue with its charger several months ago, and I did not have access to another computer where I had the ability to setup a Java and Scala development environment. However, I did have access to university computer labs where I could do JavaScript development.

Informal 4 player board game test

I decided to attempt a 4 player game to test the new rules with me playing as all 4 players.

It seemed like attacking is a lot less rewarding because a defending player can allocate all their troop tokens against the player that attacked them. In a 4 player game, if two people fight, this means that the conflict will go on for several rounds before a clear winner emerges like in the test with two players. Even if a clear winner emerges, that player will be weak and vulnerable to attack from another player.

However, many games such as Diplomacy also have the issue where a 1 one 1 fight is not going to lead to a clear winner for at least a few rounds, which gives other players opportunities to intervene. Games like this encourage players to attack with an emphasis on making deals and alliances with other players. Something similar would work in Clash of Empires, but that means that the game would take significantly longer because of the negotiation that is going on.