
Paprika was a game I designed with several other students for a game design class I took in 2013.

Background: You are leading a team of humans trying to explore the wreckage of a major spaceship crash and you must rescue the stranded astronauts. However, the planet is home to hostile aliens that want to eliminate all the humans. 


The equipment consists of a board, 16 dice, 7 human units, and 6 alien units.  

Set up: 

 Place the board on a table.  Each player will choose a side to play as, one person as the Humans and the other person as Aliens(green).  Humans start off with 3 human units.  Aliens start off with 3 Alien units.  The units are placed at the marked start positions at each end of the board.  The remaining units are debris tiles which are given to the aliens. The aliens place the debris tiles face down on designated spots on the board. 3 of the debris tiles contain aliens, and 4 of the debris tiles contain humans.

Taking a turn

At the beginning of a turn, each player gets 9 actions to use on that turn.


Move(1 action): Move your figure to an adjacent square. Only aliens may move onto green squares.

Attack(1 action, can only be done once per unit): The player picks a square adjacent to one of their units. The attacker and defender each roll 1 die for each unit adjacent or diagonal to the attacking or defending unit.  After the dice are rolled, the highest roll for each player is compared. If the attacking player has a higher roll, then the defending player removes their defending unit from the game.

Special rules for each player


  • Humans may use 1 action point to flip over a face down debris tile adjacent to one of their units. If it is an alien tile, then an alien unit spawns on that tile. If a spice tile is revealed, then the humans can chose to spawn another unit at the location of the tile or chose to upgrade their combat strength. Each upgrade to combat strength adds 1 to the human’s die rolls for a maximum value of 6 for a die.


  • Any time during their turn, an alien player may respawn one of their dead units at the respawn point or adjacent to an unturned debris space.
  • During combat, aliens get +0.5 to their die rolls, which means that they break ties.

Winning Objectives: 

Humans: Reveal the 4 debris tiles that contain humans.

Aliens: Destroy all the human units.

A player wins as soon as they achieve their objective.