Monopoly variant

Monopoly suffers from several problems

  • A significant part of the game is spent rolling and moving without making any interesting decisions.
  • Players are often eliminated or stuck in a weak position without the possibility of winning or making interesting decisions.
  • One player often ends up gaining an overwhelming advantage, and is unable to leverage that advantage to win the game.

Proposed variant

  • Instead of moving around the board, a random property will show up each turn for players to buy. Starting with the player with the highest victory point total, each player will place a bid on the property in order of victory points. After the last player has placed a bid, the person with the highest bid pays the bid and takes the property. A player then gets victory points based on the cost of the property.
  • There will be an additional dummy player that moves around the board during a player turn. When the dummy player lands on a property, the property owner will get money from the bank. If the game says that the dummy player gives or takes money from the bank, the active player will gain or lose the specified amount of money.
  • Players will be able to build houses on any property, but they must pay double the cost if they do not have a set. They get victory points based on the cost of the house.
  • After all properties have been purchased, the player with the most victory points wins.


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