Ideas for exploration rules

In order to add replay value and fix balance issues with the Clash of Empires map of Europe, I am going to experiment with having a randomly generated map over the course of the game.

Updated Rules

The game will have terrain hexes as components instead of the game map. The map will start off as small and expand as players explore more terrain hexes.


Each player will place their capital hexes so that there are a certain number of unexplored hexes around it. Any territories surrounding a player capital will be considered “cores” for that player.

    List of hex types present in the game

  • 4 hexes to represent capitals.
  • 15 water hexes.
  • 30 grassland hexes.
  • 15 hill hexes: These give extra defense.
  • 15 mountain hexes: These are impassable.

New actions

  • Explore:
    • A player choses a hex next to one of their units to explore and draws two hexes.
    • A player choses to place one hex and discards the other. The player may only place a water hex if the explored hex borders another water hex or if both the drawn hexes are water hexes.
    • If there are more no hexes available to draw, shuffle the discard pile to create a draw pile. If the discard pile is empty, then the explore action may not be taken.

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