Improved combat system

Over the past few months, I have realized that the small size of the game map combined with the fact that there is only one unit makes combat uninteresting. As a result, I am currently thinking of ways to improve combat. Over the past few months, two of my favorite combat-based board games have been Nexus Ops and Axis & Allies. Both these games successfully make a simple but deep combat system based on armies of units that battle together with a simple way of resolving casualties. My current plan is to implement a similar system and find a way to adjust it to work in real-time.

Tentative unit list

  • Arquebus: Basic land unit
  • Elite infantry: Stronger, more expensive version of the arquebus
  • Galleon: Basic naval unit
  • Cavalry: Are faster and more powerful than an Arquebus, but cost more
  • Artillery:Supports other land units in combat
  • Fort: Good at defending, but cannot move or attack

Nevertheless, there will still be challenges in implementing an effective user interface and making sure the number of unit types does not overwhelm new players.



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